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Happy MONDAY! TGIM! QUOTE OF THE DAY: 8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you. ~ Philippians 4:8-9 New Living Translation (NLT)

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: How are you doing today? I am doing mostly well considering the circumstances. That is what I have been telling people lately. Why might I be doing well today and another person is not? I can’t say for sure but one of the things that brings me peace is quiet time or meditation time. To that end, you have heard me talk about the insight timer app that has 1000’s of meditations on it. And I still recommend that. ( This week I want to offer up one more tool you might find helpful and I will share another meditation I recorded this week as well. The first thing that has helped along with regular meditation and prayer and listening to God is this app by John Eldridge. It is pretty cool. It has a one minute, three minute, five minute and ten minute pause in it. It is a simple practice of giving everything over to God and asking him for more of him in your life. There is also time for further reflection and listening during this time. I also created a little meditation as well. This meditation is done to a track called Everything’s a Cycle from Spencer Brown’s Album – Stream of Consciousness. It reminded me of Ecclesiastes 3 which I read in this meditation. Enjoy. Matt’s Motivational Meditation 2 Other than that I have been staying active and exercising when and where I can. I have watched some pretty funny youtube videos from the Holderness family. OMG, they are super funny. This one here is Emily’s latest favorite. And it is pretty funny as well about it being one week since they canceled school and how they are coping with it.

Lastly, I wanted to comment on Philippians quote of the day. I feel what it is saying is when you fix your thoughts on the positive, worthy, and honorable things, then the God of peace will be with you. So try that this week. What are you thankful for today? 1) I am thankful for my hands that can write this message. 2) I am thankful for my life and the gift of today. 3) I am thankful for friends and family. 4) I am thankful for ways of keeping touch via Facebook, texting, and emails. 5) I am thankful for this time to slow down a little. 6) I am thankful for laughter.

May your life be filled with peace, laughter and love this week.

From Coach Matt

QUOTES ON PEACE FOR THE DAY: 1) Inner peace is like a clean and spacious room, empty of unnecessary, old, or broken stuff. ~Remez Sasson 2) Don’t hope that events will turn out the way you want, welcome events in whichever way they happen: this is the path to peace. ~ Epictetus 3) The answer lies within ourselves. If we can’t find peace and happiness there, it’s not going to come from the outside. ~Tenzin Palmo Share the Matt’s Motivational Monday love: 1) Support Matt’s Motivational Monday here 2) Or share this post with a friend who might need some motivation or encouragement this day!


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