Happy MONDAY! TGIM! and MERRY CHRISTMAS! QUOTE OF THE DAY: It’s not what is under the tree that matters, it’s who’s gathered around it. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: I am full of peace and gratitude for this past year. Thanks so much for being part of Matt’s Motivational Monday. I appreciate you reading this email or blog and spreading the joy. I hope to have an even bigger impact in 2020. So feel free to share the good news this Christmas and throughout the year about Jesus and about how the God of the universe loves you and has a plan for your life. And feel free to tell your friends, family, co-workers about my website and my email list. Merry Christmas! Enjoy your time with your friends and family this holiday season. Dale Carnegie was once quoted as saying “Today is life-the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today.”
1) I allow the joy of this season to fill my heart and propel me into a prosperous new year! 2) When I make Christmas about sharing rather than getting, I always feel better. 3) Today I feel the joy of the season. Today I feel the peace of the season. Today I feel the love of the season.