QUOTE OF THE DAY: Laughter is the best medicine.
Laughter is so good for the soul.
In short, according to the Mayo clinic laughter can stimulate organs and increase endorphins, sooth tension, improve your immune system and improve your mood, and increase personal satisfaction. The whole article is here:
One of my friends says – don’t take yourself so seriously. So enjoy some laughter in your day today.
May you fill your life with laughter and be able to laugh at yourself and your life. May you feel the benefits of laughter too.
Matt’s Motivational Monday Members: 1) What are your favorite ways to laugh? 2) What brings your laughter? 3) Do you have any good knock, knock jokes to share? I read everyone’s response so hit REPLY and let me know what is making you laugh lately. From Coach Matt
AFFIRMATIONS OF THE DAY: 1) Spontaneous laughter is the joyful soul’s pure delight. 2) It is natural for me to love and laugh 3) Every time I laugh or smile I create positive healing and energy