Happy MONDAY! TGIM! QUOTE OF THE DAY: “If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” — MAYA ANGELOU THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: You have probably been spending more time on the internet and Facebook lately right? You might be spending more time at home too. Is that true for you? And quite honestly it is a mixed blessing. I am spending more time with my wife and two children and that has been a good thing. It is good to be with them for sure. But it has also been hard to work all day in the same house and try and help my children with their homework. And then there are the zoom calls. Need a laugh? Watch this 3 minute Zoom Call parody we can all relate to right now. Let’s face it. Sometimes I think I’m a little crazy. I enjoy waking up early in the morning, doing a little meditation and praying, and then going to work out. I am a dreamer. I am a creative type. I enjoy doing half marathons and running and doing triathlons. Actually, those are normal things for me to do. But more than that I am a one of a kind masterpiece created by God all mighty. I am unique just like you are unique in your own way. I am amazing just like you are in your own amazing way. However, I have unique dreams and visions and goals that are not yours. You are unique. You are special and you are amazing. When I think about this quote, it makes me wonder and think about how being myself is great. God created me with unique fingerprints like no one else on this planet earth. God shaped me and formed me to have a certain way of thinking and certain tendencies. And I believe he created me to have a purpose. Don’t be normal. Be uniquely you. Be uniquely you and shine your unique light. Be the light in the darkness this week. Strike up a conversation with a stranger. Give some money to the poor. Live outside your comfort zones. Ask for things you think are silly. Ask for help. Be assertive. Ask for things that you think are audacious. Read a good book. Feed your mind positive and motivational things. Hire a coach to help you out. Go to a therapist if you need that kind of help. Be thankful. Join a challenge. Challenge your friends to do a race. Call a friend. Call your family. Tell them you love them. Life is short. Don’t waste it. I will end with another quote that I thought was good this week.
“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.”
― Sophia Bush Finally, how are you doing?
I am a real human being writing this to you and I know you are a real human being reading this right now.
Reply and let me know about the following:
A) Are you doing well? Or are you struggling?
B) Do you agree with today’s quote of the day?
C) Or if you can’t think of anything else, just tell me what city or state you’re reading this from.
With gratitude, love, and thanksgiving,
From Matt
1) I am amazing.
2) I am unique.
3) I am loved.